, mrtadayon@yahoo.com
Abstract: (15909 Views)
In order to evaluate the effects of supplementary irrigation and municipal solid waste compost on growth and yield of two chickpea cultivars under dryland condition, a field experiment was arranged in Khoramabad, Iran, in 2008-2009. The experimental design was split-split plots with randomized complete blocks with three replications. Four levels of irrigation as main plot including dryland (as control), supplementary irrigation at flowering stage, grain filling stage, and flowering + grain filling stages, three levels of municipal waste compost (0, 10 and 15 t/ha) as sub-factors, and Greet and Filip chickpea cultivars as sub-sub factors were considered. Results showed that the highest number of branches (14.08), number of pods per plant (32.37), plant height (37.25 cm), 1000-grain weight (282 g), grain yield (1475 kg/ha) and biological yield (4155 kg/ha) were obtained from supplementary irrigation at flowering+ grain filling stages. Greet cultivar had more yield in supplementary irrigation treatments and the highest yield in all stages was obtained from application of 15 t/ha compost. The conclusion of this research was that application of 15 t/ha compost along with supplemental irrigation and proper cultivar will result in higher yield in chickpea cultivars under dryland conditions.
Type of Study:
Research |