Volume 4, Issue 12 (8-2014)                   2014, 4(12): 13-25 | Back to browse issues page

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Collgeg of Agric., Urmia Univ., Urmia, Iran. , p_tousi@hotmail.com
Abstract:   (5120 Views)
To study the effect of organic growth stimulant and harvest time of soybean cultivar Williams on oil harvest index and protein yield, factorial experiment was conducted in complete randomized block design with 15 treatment and three replications of Rice Research Institute of Iran (Rasht) in 2012-2013 year. The experiment Treatments were including Kadostim (50.00), Aminol forte (20.00), organic manure (cow,10 ton.ha-1), magnetic water (20 lit.m-2) plus the control (no spray) and three harvest time 1. the first harvest when seed pods in main stem had 25-20% moisture, 2. the second harvest when in pods maturity (yellowing of more than 95% of pods) and seeds per pod in the main stem had 15-14% moisture, 3. the third harvest when the main stem had less than 14% moisture. Results showed that significant differences exist between the spray application and harvest time in oil harvest index and protein yields. spray application with kadostim had the maximum oil harvest index (8.7%) and biological yield (5933 kg.ha-1). Mean comparison of the interaction showed that spray application of kadostim at the second harvest produced highest grain yield (2853 kg.ha-1), oil yield (664 kg.ha-1) and protein yield (1019 kg.ha-1). The results of this experiment, it seems that Kadostim and organic manure spray application at the second harvest to help increase production, and a step towards reducing environmental pollution and sustainable agriculture is.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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