Volume 4, Issue 12 (8-2014)                   2014, 4(12): 157-170 | Back to browse issues page

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Soilless Culture Res. Senter, Isf. Univ. Technol., Isfahan, Iran. , sanaeiazadeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4663 Views)
These field trials were carried out to investigate the effect of various zinc (Zn) fertilizer application treatments on grain yield of some spring (Isfahan and Neishabour) and winter wheat cultivars (Mashhad and Jolge-e-Rokh) with different Zn efficiency during 2009-2010 growth seasons. Five Zn fertilizer treatments were applied including: no added Zn (control), soil application of Zn-sulfate, and foliar spray of Zn-sulfate, Omex1, and Omex2. Omex1 and Omex2 contained 4 and 17% Zn, respectively. Foliar spray was performed at the anthesis stage. Both spring and winter wheat genotypes significantly differed in grain yield. The results showed that wheat genotypes largely varied in their grain yield response to different Zn application treatments. Some spring (Sholeh in Isfahan) and winter (Sabalan in Jolg-e-Rokh) wheat genotypes had greater response to Zn fertilization so that Zn addition increased grain yield of Sholeh by 48% and Sabalan by 17% as compared with no added Zn control. In contrast, Zn addition had no effect on grain yield of some other genotypes. Yield response of wheat genotypes to Zn application treatments significantly varied upon location. According to the results obtained from this study, the efficacy of Zn fertilizer treatments on grain yield of wheat is dependent on the genotype and location. Therefore, this concern should be considered in fertilizer recommendation programs that a specific Zn fertilizer treatment may not be recommended for all wheat cultivars and locations.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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