About the Journal

Journal of


Crop Production and Processing

Publisher                 :           Isfahan University of Technology

Managing Editor       :           GH. Ghorbani

Editor-in-Chief          :          P. Ehsanzadeh

Assistant Editor         :          S. Fatollahi

Administrative Manager  :      Sh. Nasiri

Typesetting              :          Isfahan University of Technology

Printed                    :          Isfahan University of Technology

Published by            :          Isfahan University of Technology


Address: The Journal of Crop Production and Processing, Publications Office,

                  Central Library, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan - 8415683111, Iran.

                  Phone: (98) 313-3912794, Fax: 98 313-3912626, E-Mail: jcppof.iut.ac.ir

                  Website: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir

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