Volume 6, Issue 19 (5-2016)                   2016, 6(19): 37-47 | Back to browse issues page

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Jafari P, Jalali A H. Comparison of Yield and Yield Components of Seven Selected Populations and Three Hybrid Varieties of Melon. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2016; 6 (19) :37-47
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2510-en.html
Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Isfahan, Iran. , Peimanjafari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3854 Views)

Melons due to domestic consumptions and high potential for export are very important in Iranian agriculture. In order to compare the agronomic characteristics of seven selected populations (Jalali, Tashkent, JaJu, Khaghani, Shadgany, Ghasri, Suski) and three hybrid varieties (Ananase, Durango, Akyla) of melon, this study was conducted for two years (2008- 2009) using a randomized complete block design field experiment with three replications. Difference between yield and yield components of populations were statistically significant. Jalali selected population and Durango hybrid, with 45810 and 13000 kg ha-1 of fruit yield produced the greatest and smallest fruit yield, respectively. Fruit weight and fruit number per plant in different populations were 0.850 to 1.900 kg, and 1.2 and 1.84 number plant-1, respectively. The highest significant correlation (0.96**) was observed between fruit weight and fruit yield. Durango hybrid, with producing 32% of the yield in first harvest, was significantly superior to other genotypes in terms of earliness index. Selected population of Tashkent and Akyla hybrid with fruit total soluble solids of 12.2 and 5.65 percent indicated the highest and lowest qualities, respectively. According to the results, Jalali selected landrace was in the first rank and Shadgany, Ghasri, Suski and Jaju were in the second place and can be considered in breeding and agronomic programs.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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