Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)                   2018, 8(1): 29-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University
Abstract:   (2764 Views)

Adding compost and vermicompost organic fertilizers to soil can improve soil physical conditions, nutrient elements and microorganisms. In the present study, the effect of the cow manure, vermicompost, and urea chemical fertilizer, alone or in combination, on the yield and qualitative characteristics of basil (Ocimuom basilicum L.) was investigated. The experiment was conducted as a split plot based on the complete randomized block design in 2013. The treatments included 6 levels of fertilizers as the main factor, and two green and purple basil cultivars as the sub factor; three harvest times were taken as the sub-sub factor. Dual treatments  of organic fertilizers and urea, as compared with the organic fertilizers treatment alone, did not lead to any statistically significant increase in the yield of fresh and dry plants. However, the amount of nitrate in the plant organs was increased in the combination treatments of organic fertilizers with urea. Except for the amount of plant’s nitrate, the green basil was better than purple one with regard to the antioxidant capacity, yield and vegetative traits. In terms of the harvest time, the highest yield and antioxidant capacity were observed in the second harvest. These results clearly showed the positive effect of the use of organic fertilizers on increasing the yield and quality of the basil plant. Therefore, according to the findings of this experiment, by using animal manure and vermicompost organic fertilizers, it is possible to lower the application of chemical fertilizers and prevent their harmful effects on the environment.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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