Volume 9, Issue 4 (1-2020)                   2020, 9(4): 145-158 | Back to browse issues page

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Urmia University , ha.hassanpour@urmia.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2708 Views)
White mulberry (Morus alba) belongs to the Moraceae family. The aim of this study is to evaluate some important physicochemical characteristics and fruit color of white mulberry grown in West Azarbaijan province of Iran. White mulberry fruits collected from five regions (Urmia, KHoy, Mahabad, Miyandoab and Oshnaviyeh) in West Azarbaijan province, were transferred to the laboratory and some properties such as fruit weight, fruit and leaf length and width, fruit color parameters, fruit volume and pH were measured. The results showed that the highest percentage of variation was observed in Hue and a* traits, hence these traits had the highest diversity among the studied genotypes. The maximum and minimum fruit weight was observed in genotypes kh3 (4.24 g) and O3 (0.71 g), respectively. The fruit length had significant positive correlation with fruit thickness, volume and weight. The five main factors explained 83.86 % of the total variance. Based on the cluster analysis, genotypes were divided into five main groups. In general, the results showed that physical properties of the fruit could be helpful for evaluation and identification of variation in white mulberry germplasm. These results could be valuable and practical in breeding programs and also designing appropriate models and packaging methods for white mulberry fruits.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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