Relationship of nitrogen (N) supply to nitrogen remobilization and leaf and grain P, K, and N status of wheat lacks clarity. The present pot experiment was conducted to evaluate nitrogen remobilization and leaf and grain P, K, and N status of ancient wheats of different ploidy levels in response to nitrogen. The experiment was carried out in Fall 2017-Spring 2018 at the Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. The experiment was designed as a 3-replicate factorial completely random design with N fertilization treatment (at four levels of 0, 18.66, 37.33, and 56 mg N kg-1 soil) and genotype (consisting of 12 genotypes) as experimental factors. Nitrogen remobilization of the ancient and hulled wheats were increased when exposed to the low and medium N supplies. However, the Nitrogen remobilization of the standard durum and bread wheats were increased with increases in the N supply. Leaf and grain P, leaf N, and grain K concentrations responded positively to the N supply and ancient and hulled wheats equaled or exceeded those of the improved wheats particularly when grown in the absence of high N supplies. The presented data indicates that in conditions of nitrogen deficiency, the ancient wheats outperform improved wheats in terms of absorption and utilization of macronutrients.