Zafarian S, Houshmand S. Study of Effects of Time, Quantity and Application Method of Benzylaminopurine and Gibberellic Acid Growth Regulators on Breaking Seed Dormancy of Kelussia odoratissima M.. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2013; 3 (8) :165-176
Dept. of Plant Breed., College of Agric, Shahrekord Univ., Shahrekord, Iran. ,
Abstract: (9046 Views)
Karafs Kouhi (Kelussia odoratissima M.) is one of the important medicinal plants of umbelliferae family and native of Zagros Mountains range, which is endangered due to illegal harvests. In order to accelerate breaking the seed dormancy of this plant, a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with four replications, was carried in Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University. The seeds of Karafs Kouhi from Saraghaseyed ecotype were treated under three time periods (25, 50, 75 and 100 days after planting), combination of enzylaminopurine (BAP) (concentrations of 0, 0.75 and 1.5 mg/L) and gibberellic acid (GA3) (concentrations of 0, 250 and 500 mg/L) and application methods of these growth regulators (soaking seeds in the growth regulators and use of growth regulators directly on the medium). In this experiment, germination percentage, rootlet length and hypocotyl length were studied. The results indicated that 100 days after planting significantly (P≥0.01) showed the highest rates in the three studied traits. In this treatment, the germination percentage was 86.94%, rootlet length was 9.43 cm and hypocotyl length was 11.64 cm. Moreover, the interaction of the factors was not significant for all the traits. The best combination to increase germination percent, rootlet length and germination rate, was 0.75 mg/L BAP, 500 mg/L GA3 and direct use of growth regulators. To increase hypocotyl length, only 500 mg/L GA3 is recommended.
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