S. M. A. Zomorodian, M. R. Bagheri Sabzevari. Effect of Velocity and Flow Direction at Approach Channel Outlet on the Discharge Coefficient of Vertical Pipe Intake. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2006; 9 (4) :1-16
Abstract: (26356 Views)
The vertical pipe intake is an economical structure relative to the other alternatives. VPI usually installed near the water surface and prevents from the coarse sediment entrance to the system. The strong vortex in VPI entrance is a major problem which may reduce the system efficiency. Recognizing the vortex affected parameters, helping engineers to design anti vortex structures. In this study an experimental model is built to study the effect of tangential velocity, flow direction at approach channel outlet on the discharge coefficient of vertical pipe intake. By dimensional analysis it is indicated that the vortex in VPI could be defined by the dimensionless numbers (Reynolds, Weber, Froude, Circulation and Submergence). The relationship between the Froude, Circulation and Submergence numbers are presented. By using this relation one can determine the Submergence number and then calculate the discharge coefficient of vertical pipe intake.
Type of Study:
Research |