A. Ghane, M. R. Ahmadi, A. Esmaili, A. Mirzajani. Bioassessment of Chafrood River-Guilan province, Northern Iran – Using Macrobenthic Community Structure. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2006; 10 (1) :247-259
Abstract: (25060 Views)
Present study investigates macrobenthic invertebrates and their community structure in Chafrood river to classify and assess the study sites regarding the environmental anthropogenic factors. Along a 9 km distance, 8 study sites were selected, and macrobenthic were monthly sampled using a surber sampler (1600cm2, 250 μ mesh net) with 3 replicate at each station. Collected samples organisms were fixed with 4% formalin and laboratory process including sorting, identification and enumeration of the animals were preceded. During the study 73 benthic taxa were identified which were dominated with aquatic insects larvae especially orders Diptera and Ephemeroptera. The maximum and minimum total abundance was 2335 ind.m-2 in station #2 and 1639 ind.m-2 in station #4 respectively. Benthic animals' frequency data were summarized to community structure metrics including total richness, EPT richness and ratio of EPT frequency to Chironomidae family. A Shannon- Winner diversity index and Hilsenhoff family level biotic index was also determined for each studied station. Result of cluster analysis for stations, based on the community structure metrics and diversity index, was in accordance with the station classification using biotic index and both classify the affected stations at the same group.
Type of Study:
Research |