Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2007)                   2007, 10(4): 357-365 | Back to browse issues page

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N. Sahebani, A. Kheiri, H. Rahimian, A. Sharifi Tehrani. Effect of Rathayibacter tritici on Movement of Anguina tritici Larvae and Nematode Function as Vector of Ear Rot Bacterium. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2007; 10 (4) :357-365
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-627-en.html
Abstract:   (22094 Views)
The effect of Rathayibacter tritici on the movement of Anguina tritici larva and nematode function as vector of ear rot bacterium was conducted in the laboratory (Agarose plates) and greenhouse conditions. The results showed that the contact of nematode larva with high concentration of bacterium or long duration of nematode-bacteria contact can decrease the movement and the efficiency of nematode function as the vector of the disease, and in some cases it resulted in the mortality of the nematode. No differences were detected in the mobility of larva in the concentrations less than 102 CFU and less than 0.5 hour of nematode-bacteria contact times and their controls (exposed to water alone). Movement of the nematodes appeared to be random under these conditions. It can be concluded that Rathayibacter tritici did not act as an attractant to Anguina tritici larva. These results suggest that the attachment of a large number of bacteria to nematode (as an essential vector of the bacterium) would induce nematode weakness and mortality. So it is possible that ear rot bacterium can parasite ear cockle nematode, or the nematode is a host for this bacterium .
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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