Volume 11, Issue 1 (spring 2007)                   2007, 11(1): 215-227 | Back to browse issues page

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M.J. Seghatoleslami, M. Kafi, I. Majidi, G. Nour-Mohammadi, F. Darvish. Effect of Drought Stress at Different Growth Stages on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Five Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum) Genotypes . Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2007; 11 (1) :215-227
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-658-en.html
Abstract:   (25555 Views)
In order to examine the responses of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) to drought stress at different growth stages, four breeded genotypes and a local one of proso millet were selected and planted in a split-plot design with five irrigation treatments and three replications.This experiment was conducted in two locations, Birjand and Sarbisheh. Irrigation treatments included well - watered, drought stress at vegetative stage, ear emergence stage, seed filling stage and vegetative and seed filling stages which were considered as main- plots. The first five mentioned genotypes were considered as sub-plots. Drought stress. caused a great reduction in grain yield and WUE at ear emergence stage. This reduction represented itself in the number of seed per ear and the weight of seeds, but it didn’t have any effects on the number of ear. At ear emergence stage, the drought stress increased the floret death and loss of weight of seeds which resulted in the reduction in the harvest index of both ear per plant and seed per plant. Comparison of genotypes indicated that since K-C-M.4 had a greater number of ears and K-C-M.9 had heavier seeds that had higher grain yield. These two genotypes had the highest WUE and their harvest indices were relatively higher. Due to the salinity of water and infertility of soil in Birjand, the grain yield was lower compared with Sarbisheh. In summary, it can be said that genotype K-C-M.4 proved to be more suitable for both areas.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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