A. Goleij, H. Jalilvand, M. R. Pormajidian, M. Tabari, K. Mohammadi Samani. A Quantitative Investigation of Natural Regeneration in the Gaps Derived from the First Selective Cut in Meskeli
Buxus hyrcana Stand . Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2007; 11 (41) :465-473
Abstract: (23563 Views)
In order to investigate the success of natural regeneration and to determine the best area for regeneration settlement, 12 gaps with the areas ranging from 50-100, 150-300, and 400-600 m2 and 4 replicates equal elevation level were selected. For measuring frequency, height, and collar diameter of regenerated seedlings, a certain number of 2 m2 subplots were carried out inside the gaps, along the bigger diameter, and related to each gap’s area. Results showed that the number of seedling varies from 5 (in big gaps) up to 28 (in small and moderate gaps) per square meter. Furthermore, there was not a significant difference between the number of seedlings in small and moderate gaps. In contrast, the number of seedlings in small and moderate gaps was significantly different from those in large gaps (at 1% Probability). This finding demonstrates that natural regeneration would be limited in large gaps (400-600 m2) but it shows a better result in smaller gaps, associated with single- tree harvests. The final result of this study shows that the most appropriate area for selective cuting in such an area is up to at most 300 m2.
Type of Study:
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