Khodakaramian G, Swings J. Protein Electrophoretic Pattern Similarity among
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.
citri Strains Isolated from Hormozgan and Kerman Provinces and Some Other
Xanthomonas spp.. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2008; 12 (45) :263-272
Abstract: (8101 Views)
Protein electrophoretic pattern similarity among 21 strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri isolated from Hormozgan and Kerman provinces together with the representatives of reference strains of X.a. pv. citri and X. a. pv. aurantifoli and 246 strains of the other Xanthomonas spp. including : X. a. pv. citri, X. a. pv. glycins, X. a. pv. manihotis, X. c. pv. campestris, X. a. pv. phaseoli, X. cassavae, X. vesicatoria, X. c. pv. euphorbia, X. c. pv. arracaciae, X.c. pv. malvacearum, X. a. pv. clitoriae, X. a. pv. citrumelo, X. a. pv. aurantifolii, X. a. pv. alfalfae, X. cucurbitae, X.c.pv. dieffenbachiae, X. vasicola. pv. holcicola, X. melonis, X. hortorum. pv. pelargonii, X. a. pv. poinsettiicola, X. arboricola pv. pruni, X. c. pv. raphani, X. a. pv. ricini, X. a. pv. vasculorum, X. a. pv. vignicola, X. c. pv. armoraciae, X. c. pv. barbareae and X. c. pv. Carotae was compared and analyzed via Gel Compare version 4.2 software. Results indicated 86% of mean similarity among the strains tested. The highest similarity was 100% for strains isolated from Hormozgan and Kerman provinces and X. a. pv. citri LMG 9176 and X. a. pv. citri LMG 9654. The lowest similarity was 84.90% for these strains and X. c. pv. euphorbia LMG 7402 and X. a. pv. ricini LMG 7444. The 100% of protein pattern similarity among the strains isolated from Hormozgan and Kerman provinces and the reference strains from pathotype A (X. a. pv. citri LMG 9176 and X. a. pv. citri LMG 9654) was supported by host range and pathogenicity patterns of these strains obtained from our previous study.
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