Volume 12, Issue 45 (fall 2008)                   2008, 12(45): 603-614 | Back to browse issues page

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Gandaby M, Hassanpour Asil M, Hatamzadeh A, Rabiei B, Chamani E. Effect of Benzyladenine and Silver Thiosulphate on Physiochemical Characteristics of lilium Cut Flowers. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2008; 12 (45) :603-614
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-945-en.html
Abstract:   (20048 Views)
Leaf chlorosis during both green house forcing and postharvest have been a long standing problem in Easter liliy. The symptoms typically start in the basal leaves and moves progressively upward and reduce flower quality and economic value of crop. In order to delay leaf chlorosis and increase vase life, an experiment was carried out on Asiatic hybrid Lilium cv Canova to study different treatments of benzyladenine (BA) and silver thiosulphate (STS) on pre and postharvest attributs, respectively. The results showed that preharvest application of BA effect the chlorophyll content of leaves significantly, but itُ s effect on stem and pedicle length and harvest time were not significant. Treatment of 0.44 mM BA on increased chlorophyll content greater than another treatments. In postharvest study, factors of 0.44 mM BA on chlorophyl1 content of leaves and leaf longevity, treatment of 0.88mM BA+ 0.6 mM STS on vase life, total soluble solids and uptake solution had most effect. The results showed that application of STS and BA can be used to prolong vase life, delay leaf senescence and enhance postharvest quality of lilium cut flowers during their transport market.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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