Volume 4, Issue 12 (8-2014)                   2014, 4(12): 273-284 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasirpour A, Izade Z, Amiri H, Haji Hashemi Z, Hamdami N, Shahed M. Effect of Xanthan, Mono-di-Glyceride and Cultivar on Physical and Sensory Properties of Canned Rice During Storage. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2014; 4 (12) :273-284
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2159-en.html
College of Agric., Isf. Univ. of Technol., Esfahan, Iran. , ali.nasirpour@cc.iut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5548 Views)
Ready-to-eat or canned products have an important place in urban life style. Rice is consumed by half of world population. Problems related to production of canned rice are the coherences of rice kernel, retrogradation of rice starch and physico-chemical changes of rice during storage. Main factors affecting physico-chemical properties of canned rice are rice cultivar, amylose and amylopectin content of kernels, precooking conditions, kernel composition and added stabilizers. In this study, effect of three cultivars, Basmati and two local cultivars, Tarom Mazandaran and Tarom Hashemi, also two types of stabilizers, Xanthan, Mono-di-glyceride, on sensory and physical properties of canned rice were studied. Type and level of stabilizers, cultivars and time had significant effect on texture of cooked rice. Initially during storage, Basmati had the highest firmness and Tarom Mazandaran and Tarom Hashemi had lower firmness. The results of texture analysis indicated that both stabilizers reduced firmness of cooked rice during storage. Adding xhanthan as stabilizer had higher effect on reducing of cooked rice firmness comparing to mono-di-glyceride. Result of color analysis showed that Basmati cultivar was most yellowish and Tarom Mazandaran indicated maximum lightness. Sensory analysis of samples indicated that Basmati had the best score on texture, appearance and acceptability and Tarom Hashemi had the best score on taste and flavor. Type of stabilizer had significant effect on taste and flavor of cooked rice.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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