Volume 5, Issue 17 (12-2015)                   2015, 5(17): 31-42 | Back to browse issues page

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Baharlouie S, Fallah S. Optimization of Use of Nitrogen for Growth and Yield of Canola and Pea Intercropping. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2015; 5 (17) :31-42
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-2407-en.html
Shahrekord University. Shahrekord, Iran. , s_baharloo8936@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3811 Views)

In order to investigate the effects of deficit nitrogen application on growth and yield in sole cropping and intercropping of canola and pea, a factorial experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design with three replications at Shahrekord University Research Farm, Sharekord, Iran during 2011- 2012 growing season. Five planting ratios (100% canola 66% canola + 33% pea, 50% canola + 50% pea 33% canola + 66% pea 100% pea) were evaluated as the first factor and three levels of nitrogen (100%, 75% and 50%  N requirement of canola and pea) as the second factor. Results showed that intercropping in comparison to sole cropping led to increase in the plant height of pea (23.64%) but it decreased canola plant height (7.32%). Total dry matter of canola and pea increased in intercropping treatments (38.56 and 6.15 %, respectively) compared to sole cropping. In canola sole cropping, seed yield increased (21.9%) with increase in nitrogen application, however in intercropping the greatest seed yield was observed in 75% plant nitrogen requirement. The crop  yield in intercropping treatments with application of 50 and 75% plant nitrogen requirement was higher than sole cropping of either crop, but crop yield in pea – canola 66-33% and 50- 50% with 100% plant nitrogen requirement was decreased compared to their sole cropping. In conclusion, intercropping of   33% canola + 66% pea and/or 50% canola + 50% pea, in addition to potentiating an acceptable grain yield for both crops, it can conserve the environment with reducing of nitrogen fertilizer application.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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