Volume 2, Issue 5 (12-2012)                   2012, 2(5): 29-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Pirasteh-Anosheh H, Emam Y. Manipulation of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Bread and Durum Wheat by Using Growth Regulators at Different Irrigation Regimes. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2012; 2 (5) :29-46
URL: http://jcpp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1667-en.html
College of Agric., Shiraz Univ., Shiraz, Iran. , yaemam@gmail.com
Abstract:   (12643 Views)
Plant growth regulators (PGRs), which are widely used in agriculture, have various effects on different morphological and physiological characteristics of wheat cultivars. To examine the effect of two PGRs [cycocel (CCC) and salicylic acid (SA)] on some morphological and physiological properties of bread (Roshan) and durum (Yavarous) wheat cultivars under different irrigation regimes [normal (as control), moderate drought and severe drought], a study was conducted at Research Farm and Greenhouse of College of Agriculture, Shiraz University during 2009-2010 growing season. Field and greenhouse studies were performed as a split plot based on randomized complete blocks design and completely randomized design, respectively. The results showed that drought stress decreased plant height, leaf area index (LAI) and peduncle length, while it increased canopy temperature (CT), SPAD unit, free proline and total soluble proteins. The highest and lowest effect of drought stress was observed in free proline (104% increase) and plant height (18% reduction), respectively. PGRs application increased LAI (9%), free proline (51%) and soluble proteins (57%) and decreased CT (14%) and SPAD unit (13%). SA increased plant height, while it was decreased under CCC application. Sensitivity of Roshan to drought stress and both PGRs was greater than Yavarous. Overall, the results indicated that although drought stress decreased plant growth in both wheat cultivars, but application of PGRs alleviated negative effects of drought stress on morpho-physiological characteristics.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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